17 | Balance, Boundaries and Manifesting the Life you Want with Fallon Carter

“Identify the life that you really want to live. Anything not getting you closer to that should be a NO.”

Fallon Carter_ Amy Anaiz Photo.jpg

Destination Event Planner Fallon Carter joins us on Episode 17 to discuss her chance journey into wedding planning and her evolution through the years. Fallon is a true believer in  cultivating a life that works for you not just in one aspect but in all.  She shares tips on achieving balance in one's life and the importance of creating boundaries not just for yourself but for your clients as well.

Fallon also talks about the role "manifestation" has played in her life and shares tips on how you can start to do the same in yours. This conversation is an essential listen for everyone looking to achieve balance in their life AND career. 

Fallon's Links:

Fallon Carter Events

The We Do Collective

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